
When Will it Freeze?

October 07, 2015
Protect your sprinkler system from an early freeze. We’ve enjoyed a record-breaking warm September throughout much of Colorado and even though it’s October, we’re...

Tired of Petunias?

September 18, 2015
By mid-September, the flowers that thrived in the summer heat can start to look a little tired.   With fall in the air, it’s time to bring fresh seasonal color into our containers...

Do You Know When to Harvest Your Vegetables?

September 11, 2015
It’s finally about time to harvest those tomatoes, squash and green beans we’ve been patiently growing all summer long .  There’s been a good deal of effort, but as...

Growing Grasses in Your Garden

September 04, 2015
While ornamental grasses first showed up as an unproven landscape trend, they have settled in as a mainstay within Colorado’s landscape. Many of these grasses offer what Colorado...

Know About Heat-Stressed Veggies

September 04, 2015
Now that Colorado is finally moving into the hot days of summer, be aware of how warmer temps affect edibles – especially our No. 1 homegrown crop, tomatoes. While we often...

Veggies to Plant Now

September 04, 2015
Our night-time temps are cooling – and the hours of sunshine are growing less each day.   These are the right conditions to plant leafy greens, root crops and tender herbs for fall...

What’s a Garden Worth?

September 04, 2015
Even though this growing season got off to bumpy start with drenching rains and hail, the harvest is beginning.  There are some harvesting tips below – but before you go there, take...

How Hard Does Your Landscape Work?

September 04, 2015
Day in and day out our landscapes work for us.  Even though we usually think about the sweat equity we, as busy weed-pulling and lawn-mowing humans invest in them, our landscapes do labor...

Is Your Lawn Stressed?

September 04, 2015
We’re having a heat wave and lawns are showing the stress.  A heat-stressed lawn shows up in faded color, brown spots, footprints that don’t spring back after you walk across...

Use hardy ice plants to bring low-growing color

June 03, 2015
Colorado is fortunate to have a wide assortment of plants introduced by Denver Botanic Gardens’ Senior Curator, Panayoti Kelaidis. Among his finds are  South African ice plants...

Dealing with rain

May 27, 2015
Because of extended rains, most planting beds are full of mud, muk and yuk.  Even if you are willing to take a shovel to these super-saturated soils, is it worth the effort? The short...

Great Gift Ideas

May 17, 2015
 #1 – Grafted tomatoes While they have been available for a couple of years, gardeners are just becoming aware of these tomatoes. Their benefits are that they are more vigorous,...