As we approach the middle part of summer (how did August get here so fast?!), some of our flower pots or beds might be looking as fantastic as they did back in May. You don’t have to just leave the tired flowers in — it’s a great time to freshen up your pots or flower beds.
A lot of the garden centers, nurseries, grocery stores are starting to discount their seasonal color they have on hand and for a few dollars, you can really brighten your flowers up.
Phil and Bertha will demonstrate to the viewers how easy and inexpensively you can transform a pot that has had it’s better days to one that looks vibrant and healthy! Simply pull out the dead or battered plant and plug in a new plant. Additionally, by “dead-heading” or cutting plants back — you are promoting them to provide new growth.
Some other considerations would be that fall is just around the corner and maybe you’d like to incorporate some different colors that we typically associate with fall such as red, orange, yellow or what about textures — maybe grasses would be a great addition?!
This can be by using both annuals and perennials. Yes, perennials too. And before the winter comes — you can take your perennials out of the pots and put into the ground for next year to enjoy in the landscape!