Do you know someone near and dear to you who is just too busy to hang the holiday lights and has fall landscape chores still undone? Or is there a grandma or another older person in your life who can no longer sustain the level of outdoor projects she once did?
If that’s the case, think this year about giving people on your list the gift of time and completion.
If grandma’s tree needs to be pruned or uncle Bob’s lawn needs to be mowed every week,perhaps the most thoughtful gift you could give them is providing the service to get things done that they simply are no longer able to do easily on their own. If the service is beyond your budget, ask other family members if they, too, would like to join with you in making your loved one’s life easier.
And what about your spouse or partner?
We all have good intentions for keeping maintenance issues under control, but life happens. Jobs and kids and grocery shopping keep us on the run. Your loved one might enjoy being off the hook for a while on some of those ongoing DIY tasks. You might also have more time to spend together and with others you love without feeling guilty about what’s NOT getting done while you’re having a good time.
The holidays remind us that thoughtfulness and caring are not always about having or giving more stuff. Sustaining gifts that make our loved ones’ lives easier go a long way in showing our love. They also last a whole lot longer than a fruitcake.
Designscapes Colorado strives to provide our customers with year round service. Please email our team at to learn more about how we can help get your yard ready for winter.