It has been a spectacular spring so far! I am enjoying all the color popping out in the Cherry Hills, Greenwood Village and Centennial landscapes. There are fruit trees in bloom and so many shrubs in bloom or with big buds just waiting to pop. The sunny and warm days this spring has brought us all this enjoyment earlier than usual.
If you are the do-it-yourself landscaper or you have a landscape designer you work with – suggest the addition of some spectacular spring blooming shrubs. Our Landscape Designers at Designscapes Colorado have thorough knowledge of shrubs that do well here and will look beautiful in the spring! Examples of fantastic spring blooming shrubs are:
- European Cranberry Bush
- Flowering Almond
- Flowering Quince
- Forsythia
- Lilac
- Magnolia, Royal Star
- Mountain Laurel
- Mock Orange
- Nanking Cherry
- Sand Cherry
- Spirea
- Weigela
These shrubs are fantastic because they provide bold displays of color and are very easy to grow here with very little growing requirements. Be sure to plant in sun for the best flowering!
What to look for? When purchasing these at your local garden center or nursery, look for full, healthy foliage, and avoid root-bound plants. Read the tag to know what the plant’s full size will be at maturity.
When to prune? Most Spring blooming shrubs flower on the previous year’s growth so, wait until late Spring or early Summer to prune these shrubs.
Have you thought about cutting a few branches off of the shrubs and bringing them in for display? Snip some branches off the shrubs that still have buds that haven’t popped open yet or have just begun to show color for the longest enjoyment. When you bring them inside, put them in a vase of water. Now you can have the spectacular spring color inside and out!
Click here to see my appearance on Channel 7 about Early Blooming Shrubs:
Beautiful Red Bud Tree & Tulips Say Spring!