Get your fall color planted

Even though we're still in 90-degree days, we can feel fall in the air and know the seasons are changing.
It's time to get in sync with the autumn colors and plants that aren't as sensitive to frost damage. We often have a frost followed by lots of warm days, so we need flowers and foliage that are hardier than those we use during the summer months.
Pansies are a top choice because they will tolerate some frost and keep on giving us color right up until winter - and even during the winter, if it's mild. They come in a variety of colors mimicking the colors we see in nature during autumn. It's easy to mix them up with other plants or simply mix a variety of pansies in a pleasing color scheme together.
While pansies are very easy to grow, you do need to know how to plant them and how to care for them during the fall and even winter months.
When planting pansies in bed areas,do not amend the soil with compost as when it breaks down, ammonium will be present and that harms the roots. Instead, use peat moss or perlite to amend the soil.
No amendmentis needed when pansies are planted in containers.
Avoid fertilizing pansies.
When planting pansies, water them in well and continue to water regularly for 2 weeks. They will need less water than summer-flowering plants, but you will need to continue to check them every couple weeks during the fall/winter and water when the soil is dry.
One of the reason we love pansies is because they will come back again in early spring to provide two seasons of enjoyment and color. And if you plant early-flowering bulbs such as daffodils and tulips throughout the pansy bed, they will add even more interest and color when pansies bloom in the spring.
Are you prepared for the fall? Contact us at to order and install your fall color.
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