Outdoor lighting can be both functional and fashionable by highlighting the architectural and landscape elements of your home, while also providing safety and security to poorly lit areas. We would like to take a minute and share with you the outdoor lighting services we provide here at Designscapes Colorado.
Nightscaping demo for this Denver residence
Meeting with one of our design professionals is the first step as we will tailor a custom lighting design to fit your needs. We specialize in professional low voltage LED and traditional lighting products from Unique Lighting. We even offer lighting demos so you can really get a feel for the impact that nightscaping will have on your home. Our professional maintenance staff performs lighting installation as well as routine service checks and troubleshooting. All of these services are offered through out the Denver Metro area.
If you would like more information about our Nightscaping/Outdoor lighting services, please contact us at 303-721-9003 or info@designscapes.org