go green

The Green Industries of Colorado is an alliance of seven trade associates representing all facets of horticulture and landscape industries. GreenCo members are committed to water conservation and industry-wide best management practices as being the ideal way of doing business.  The Colorado green industry contributes more than $2 billion to Colorado’s economy and provides nearly 40,000 jobs.

The green industry needs continuous support from governmental legislation who can be the cornerstone of representation to help enforce policies that will not hinder small business, provides uniform sales tax definitions, enforces employer requirement for paid leave and other beneficial regulations that support the state’s economic growth in the green industry.

GreenCo supports the Colorado Water Plan, unveiled by Governor John Hickenlooper and developed by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), which provides strategies to put the state and its eight major river basins in a more collaborative and cooperative path to manager in the face of constrained supplies and growing populations.

We need you to help us endorse the following candidates who are ready to provide the groundwork at the State Capitol in support of the green industry business.


Katy Brown (R) House District 3

Chris Hansen (D) House District 6

James Coleman (D) House District 7

Leslie Herod (D) House District 8

Dave Williams (R) House District 15

Kit Roupe (R) House District 17

Tracy Kraft-Tharp (D) House District 29

Jessica Sandgren (R) House District 31

Adrienne Benavidez (D) House District 32

Matt Gray (D) House District 33

Susan Beckman (R) House District 38

Hugh McKean (R) House District 51

Phil Covarrubias (R) House District 56

Paul Brown (R) House District 59


Jim Smallwood (R) Senate District 4

Laura Woods (R) Senate District 19

Kevin Priola (R) Senate District 25

GreenCO Member Associations

Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado

Colorado Arborists and Lawn Care Professionals

Colorado Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects

Colorado Nursery & Greenhouse Association

Garden Centers of Colorado

International Society of Arboriculture, Rocky Mountain Chapter

Rocky Mountain Sod Growers Association

In August of this year the GreenCo Member Associates meet with several legislative candidates and outlined the top priorities for our green industries which consist of the following:

  1. Invest in Colorado businesses- uniform sales/use tax definitions and applications, no new fees or mandates to businesses.
  2. Water policy- conservation, new technology (Best Management Practices) and increased storage.
  3. Ballot process revision
  4. Regulatory reform
  5. Construction defects
  6. Vocational & technical education expansion
  7. Invest in Colorado infrastructure, water/transportation.


This is an event is ongoing and we will keep you posted as we progress continues…

This entry was posted in Water Features, Structures, Pools & Spas, Outdoor Living Spaces, Gardens, Residential, Maintenance, Lawn & Garden Care, Xeriscape, Design, Green Landscape, Events, Designscapes News, Company, Trades, Streetscapes, Playgrounds, Parks, Commercial