fall leavesGlimpses of the Fall season seem to keep appearing as the season draws nearer. Brisk Autumn breezes, the siren call of Starbucks seasonal drinks, and the promise of festivities hang in the air. With the Summer season drawing to a close you may notice that your pots and planters are looking a little tired. Here at Designscapes Colorado we have some tips that will help you to get your pots and planters cleaned up and looking vibrant and lively again!

To get your pots and planters looking happy and healthy again you will want to pull out all of the tired looking annuals and dead foliage. If the dirt in your pots looks depleted you may want to add in some additional Organic matter potting mix. To freshen up your pots you may want to use a wet rag to wipe them off until they are shiny and clean once more.

Once you have cleaned your pots and removed old plants, you will now want to choose the plants that you would like to include in your new pots. Some great fall plants to consider including in your plantings are:

  •  Pansy
  • Mums
  •  Violas
  • Ornamental Cabbage
  • Coleus
  •  Fall Asters
  • Coral Bells
  •  Purple Fountain Grass
  • Indian Corn

Once you have chosen your plants that you would like to include take a minute while the plants are still in their pots to organize them in your planters. Move them around, stand back, move them around again until you are happy with the final product. Fall pots look great with a tall accent plant in the middle such as Purple Fountain Grass. Coleus, or Curly Willow Branches. Once you have a center plant frame it with your supporting plants. the picture below shows the planning process for a fall pot.  Arranging plant before plantingKeeping the plants in their pots allows you the option to move them around and to achieve your desired look.

Every year Designscapes Colorado creates wonderful pot and planter arrangements for our clients during the Fall and Winter season.

Contact Designscapes Colorado for more information at info@designscapes.org.



This entry was posted in Gardens, Residential, Holiday Lighting & Decor, Green Landscape, Designscapes News, Annuals & Perennials