Pass Along Plants

What better way to give a gift than one from your garden?  This summer, consider sharing your great plant varieties with your friends and family.  This is a creative way to share a part of your interest with those you care about.  And what about the gardener you give this gift to?  This is a great way to reduce their gardening budgets this season and increase their plant selections in their yard.

Phil will explain when to divide, how to divide, and what tools you’ll need.

Some tips for sharing your plants:

  • Start early, plant rooted cuttings (some plants only can be divided at certain times of the year)
  • Spontaneously dig up and give a piece to your friends and family (this works well for plants with roots that divide easily)
  • Make sure there are enough roots, shade, and keep soil damp until you are able to plant the gifted portion
  • Most plants enjoy being divided, however a few that don’t are Butterfly Weed, Baby’s Breath, and Coneflower.

So next time you entertain, consider giving your guests a gift from your garden!

This entry was posted in Gardens