Lawn CareOnce the Halloween treats have been handed out to the ghosts and goblins, make a note that it’s time to give the lawn it’s biggest and final treat of the season. That would be the fall application of fertilizer.

After the frost and the demise of all our annuals and edibles, it’s easy to forget the lawn still needs attention. So before you walk away from the yard ’til the next growing season, remember that the fall application of fertilizer is actually the most important one of the year. That’s the word from the turf experts at Colorado State University.

They say that the late-season fertilization creates healthier turf before winter, helps develop a strong root system and stimulates turf that will green up earlier in the spring without excessive top growth. Fertilizing early in the spring, on the other hand, will promote unnecessary growth and that means more mowing for you.

With the mild weather this weekend, it’s a perfect time to fertilize that last time. Here’s what CSU’s turf scientists recommend:

  • Apply a fertilizer that provides 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn. For natural, organic fertilizers, such as dehydrated poultry waste, double the amount.
  • The turf should be green when the fertilizer is applied – and if the soil is not moist, irrigate and wait for a day before applying. Moist soil is what makes the nitrogen dissolve easily.
  • Avoid applying fertilizer to very cold soil or dormant turf as the fertilizer won’t be used efficiently.

Another treat for the lawn: mow one more time

A late season mowing isn’t just an aesthetic treat for the eye – but a healthy one for the lawn. Turf grass is much more likely to develop mold and other diseases if it goes into dormancy at a taller height. By removing the extra grass length, you are reducing the threat of other problems later on.

Once the Halloween treats have been handed out to the ghosts and goblins, make a note that it’s time to give the lawn it’s biggest and final treat of the season. That would be the fall application of fertilizer.

The landscape BOGO:
Do 2 chores in the time of 1
If you use a mulching lawn mower, there’s no need to rake up and remove leaves before mowing. The mulching mower will chew up the leaves which can be left on top of the lawn. These mulched leaves become natural compost for the soil and add nutrients in the process.
With leaf mowing, there’s no raking, piling or bagging required. It’s as sustainable for your personal energy as it is for the environment.
These treats timed around Halloween are part of a consistent lawn maintenance to keep lawns healthier and more resistant to weeds and disease. They are also sustainable practices that go a long way toward reducing the need to use pesticides or other lawn treatments.
Designscapes Colorado is the leader in landscape design and maintenance. We strive to provide only the highest quality landscaping across all of Colorado. We understand your need for a beautiful looking landscape. Beauty and perfection is ingrained in our roots and is a part of our core of what we believe in. For your next landscaping project, give us a call or send us an email at: We can make your imagination become a reality!

This entry was posted in Gardens, Residential, Lawn & Garden Care