Did you see today’s Denver Post (denverpost.com)? There is a wonderful story written by Colleen O’Connell and photography by Karl Gehring that you can view at: http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_20737164/recession-last-drought-help-water-conservation-gain-colorado?IADID=Search-www.denverpost.com-www.denverpost.com
This article talks about the topic of water conservation and the importance of Xeriscaping in your garden. The following is an excerpt of the article:
Phil Steinhauer, president of Designscapes Colorado, has noticed a shift in things such as size and function.
“I remember 10 years ago, everyone wanted lots of grass,” he said. “I very rarely hear anyone say that now. They want a nice, usable yard, with a nice patio and maybe a firepit.”
Horticultural innovations also have resulted in plants that are both colorful and drought-tolerant, such as the fragrant, hot-pink Ruby Voodoo rose chosen by Plant Select this year.
“There was a misconception that Xeriscape plants were only yucca or other dry-land plants,” said Steinhauer. “People want plants that look good and fit into residential landscapes.”
So, if you would like more information about how to incorporate Xeriscaping into your garden or to do a landscape renovation to reduce turf areas, please contact us at info@designscapes.org