As a leader in the Green Industry, Colorado Designscapes is proud to integrate Green CO’s Best Management Practices in the landscape work we do. The Green Industries of Colorado, an alliance of seven trade associations representing all facets of the horticulture and landscape industries, has developed guidelines on how to reduce water consumption and protect water quality while producing, designing, installing and maintaining healthy, beautiful landscapes.
ALCC’s Green Strategies for Colorado Landscapes is a sustainable approach to landscape design, installation and maintenance that protect Colorado resources. This is a wonderful resource for both Landscape companies and consumers alike. Here at Colorado Designscapes we employ these principles of resource conservation and maintenance practices to ensure that our landscapes are enjoyed by our clients and the Colorado environment.
Reducing Bluegrass turf areas can significantly reduce overall water consumption and lower your water bill in he process! Outdoor renovation ideas include expanding or creating new outdoor living spaces, adding patios/structures, xeriscaping, plant / soil renovations, and irrigation system management. The thoughtful use of materials can really make a difference in the environmental impact of your landscape.
If you would like more information about our Landscape Design or Maintenance services, please contact us at 303-721-9003 or