The National Garden Bureau (NGB) has announced their "Year of the"crops for 2020. For you Colorado gardeners, you will be happy to learn that several of the plants can grow well in our unique growing conditions. Here are the five "Year of the " crops.

1. Year of the Lavender
This drought-tolerant, fragrant plant produces beautiful flowers and can grow as a shrub. Whether you harvest it for food, floral arrangements or aromatherapy, it will add striking color and scent to your landscape. Lavender has many health benefits. Some include, it may help improve sleep, reduce blood pressure and heart rate, could help treat skin blemishes, and more. 

2. Year of the Lantana
This bloom is full of rich history. Lantana is colorful, long-lasting, and has the ability to attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Lantana is great to use in containers and hanging baskets. 

3. Year of the Corn
NGB always includes an edible plant among their recommendations. This year they have chosen corn. A fun fact about corn is that in each ear, there will be an even number of rows and one strand of silk for each kernel.

4. Year of the Hydrangea
In North America, Hydrangeas are one of the most sought-after shrubs. They have a modern design appeal and are perfect in a landscape, container garden, or to be used as cut flowers.

5. Year of the Iris
Irises are a beautiful, relatively low-maintenance plant that enjoys sunny Colorado days. It can thrive in the state's dry, alkaline soil and at higher elevation. Rocky mountain Irises are a great native plant to have in a landscape. 

Get these beautiful blooms in your landscape this year. Schedule a meeting with our landscape designers or horticulturalists to find out how. 
This entry was posted in Gardens, Annuals & Perennials