Bertha Lynn ( and I are going to go over the easiest bulbs to grow for the Holidays on Monday. These bulbs are Amaryllis and Paperwhites.
I am really excited to review the techniques for planting Amaryllis and Paperwhite bulbs from choosing containers, planting media and planting steps. This is the perfect time to plant these bulbs to give as gifts and decorations. Do you have an upcoming party that you’d like to bring a gift for the host or hostess?
Steps to planting Amaryllis or Paperwhite bulbs:
1. Choose your container (I like unique, antique pots for Amaryllis or clear jars for Paperwhites)
2. Add media to grow the bulbs in – soil is best for the Amaryllis and marbles or decorative rock are great for the Paperwhites
3. Set as many bulbs as possible in a container root-side down (if you’re using Paperwhites, only 1 bulb per container for Amaryllis)
Note: You don’t want the bulbs to touch each other or the side of the pot
4. If they are set in soil, add only enough to cover 3/4 of the bulb – you want the top portion of the bulb sticking out
5. Continue to water to promote growth and place in a warm, bright location
These bulbs take anywhere from 4 – 10 weeks to bloom. The warmer the location, the faster the growth and bloom period.
This will be a fun demonstration by Bertha of planting Amaryllis and Paperwhite bulbs for gifts or for your home decor!
Paperwhites & Amaryllis Bulbs in Bloom
If you’d like help with your holiday decor, Designscapes Colorado are experts at festive holiday pots and holiday lighting. Please contact us at or 303-721-9003 to meet with a designer!
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Holiday Lighting & Decor,
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