Have you started your 2021 landscape plans? | Tip of the Week

After the recent deep freeze, it's hard to believe that spring is just at month away. If you enjoy digging in the dirt of your garden, cooking with friends and family on the patio or playing with the kids outside, now is the time to plan that landscape you want to create or update. 

Whether you desire a full landscape design or renovation, or just need year-round yard upkeep, in this blog, we will share the tasks that you should consider scheduling or planning for now. 

Things to do if you need a landscape design or renovation.

1. Think about last year

While we don't suggest you pick up plants or outdoor furniture to see if they spark joy, now is a good time to evaluate what you enjoyed--or disliked--about your landscape. Consider what you can do to emphasize the positive features and fix the things that don't work for you.

2. Gather your inspiration

Whether you create a board on Pinterest or make notes in a journal, round up those design ideas. To begin, create categories of your inspiration. Categories can include design ideas of materials, patios, vegetable gardens, flower containers, etc.

3. Meet with a landscape designer ASAP
Schedule a time to meet with a landscape designer so that the work can be scheduled and underway as soon as possible. 

Landscape Maintenance
If no renovations or design work needs to take place, consider these tips to get the most out of your yard this spring.

1. Schedule services that you will not do yourself

These include spring activation of the sprinkler system, getting the lawnmower in the shop for maintenance and blade sharpening and aeration of the lawn.

2. Consider pruning

Consult a professional arborist about maintenance on dormant trees that could prepare them to better withstand spring weather events. [Note: Do not prune any spring-flowering trees, shrubs or perennials. Fruit trees, crabapple trees and lilac are all in this do-not-touch category.]

3. Review last year's garden plan and revise this year's plan accordingly 

Rotate crops that need to be moved to new locations and make sure plants that love one another, such as basil and tomatoes will be planted next to one another. 

4. Get online

Order seeds now in order to have the best selection available. 

Plan ahead so you can have the landscape of your dreams. Be patient - warmer days will be here before you know it!

This entry was posted in Gardens, Residential, Lawn & Garden Care, Design