One of the most critical conversations of our generation seems to be all about energy conservation and environmental quality. Our current state of awareness to the environment surrounding us shows how far we have come as a community to help protect the world we live in. Greenhouse effects and global warming seem to be common terms used by some to signify a considerable change in our climate due to fossil fuel emissions.

Although it is impossible to control the earth climate and temperatures there are numerous practices we can do to help reduce the effects. You can utilize the following to help save energy by optimizing heating and cooling reduction cost while ultimately increasing your property value.



A 6 to 8 foot deciduous tree planted near your home can provide roof shading for up to 5 to 10 years which makes them a primary resource for landscape conservation. When selecting the proper species of trees for your landscape ensure you chose ones that have a moderate growth rate because they tend to have a unyielding resistance to storm damage, insects and disease. Between the outside air conditioner and heat pump try to plant shrubs and small trees for shade to improve the performance of the equipment. A yard with shaded trees is 6 degrees cooler than a sunny yard and a shaded lawn can be up to 25 degrees cooler then sunny pavement.



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Vines for Shading

Tree that are not mature in growth cannot provide needed shade for your desired energy conservation needs. Planting vines directly along the wall surface can harm wood surfaces but can dramatically help to shade windows and walls. Support the growth of your vines by placing trellises close to the wall surface without touching the structure.






Windbreak lowers the wind chill around your home which in turn reduces energy cost.  For maximum results plant your windbreaks at a distance from your home of two to five times the mature height of your trees. Windbreaks can cut your heating bill by 10 to 30 percent.

The boundary layer of warm and cool air near a building is reduced when providing windbreaks which stagnates wind velocity. They provide a barrier from sounds, sights and smells, protection from livestock and create an artfully pleasing landscape element.


Special Tips for the US Midwest Region

Planting large deciduous trees on the south or west side of your home can help reduce air conditioning cost during our hot summers. A single shade tree is equivalent to the cooling power of (15) fifteen air conditioners and (3) three shading trees can cut your cost in half.  To reduce heating cost install a windbreak of trees and shrubs on the north or northwest side of your house. It may take a bit of planning to properly position trees, arbors and other elements to your landscaping but the results are well worth the time and effort.

Contact our Designscapes Team at to handle your landscaping energy conservation needs.

“Our Planet Our World”

This entry was posted in Trees, Residential, Pots & Planters, Maintenance, Lawn & Garden Care, Holiday Lighting & Decor, Green Landscape, Designscapes News, Company, Commercial, Annuals & Perennials