When the snow covers the yard and the sky’s grey as it has been all week, it’s like living in a black and white photo.
If you’re feeling as grey as the sky, that’s a sure sign of seasonal color deficiency. It always hits us in the drab gap between the blazing leaves of fall and the pastel crocus of spring. We sigh knowing the pansies, peonies and petunias are still months away!
Is there a cure? Probably not, but here are some things that might ease your symptoms.
#1 – Go to a local garden center that is open this time of year. It should have a few flowering indoor plants like cyclamen, miniature roses or primrose. You can at least bring some color indoors where you probably spend most of your time anyway. Flowers are proven in university studies to brighten the spirits. Not a full-blown cure, but maybe relief.
#2 – Start planning your seasonal color for this year. That means looking at photos, picking up a gardening magazine or doing some research online. If you do this, you are guaranteed to see colorful photos of flowers and foliage.
You’ll gain a vision of what might be ahead in your outdoor space and that is a very productive step in the right direction. A vision in your head can lead to writing your shopping list and that will ultimately get either you or someone else making this vision materialize in your yard when spring finally arrives.
What seasonal color will you plant this year?
Here are some things to consider:
Big containers bursting with colorful annuals are the ultimate cure for seasonal color deficiency. Whether you have a balcony, patio or large outdoor area, containers cascading with plants are serious horticultural therapy.
Be on the lookout for plant varieties in colors you love, that make you happy and look good with your outdoor décor.
Think beyond petunias. There is much color to be had in perennial plants. They won’t bloom all season long, so you need to have a plan and design that includes early, mid-season and late-season bloomers to ensure something is popping open as another bloom fades.
Some perennials attract beneficial insects and pollinators. Many are both beautiful and low water plants. Some even have prettier foliage than blooms. Remember, not every plant needs to be a bright standout. Foliage adds texture and interest within the overall garden design and if you pick flowers for bouquets, you’ll need good foliage to set off the blooms.
It’s about 14 weeks until annual planting time along the Front Range – and a few more weeks at higher elevations. Do what you can do to endure your seasonal color deficiency – and take some well-timed steps to ease your symptoms along the way. Springtime WILL come to the Rockies!
We’re planning for seasonal color now – contact us at info@designscapes.org to get your season color scheduled.