mumsTrees turning color remind us that the time has come to refurbish patio and porch containers with the bright colors of fall.  And that goes for bed areas too.

Now that we’re enjoying our patios into the fall longer than ever, we need seasonal color that outlives the petunias.  The welcome container on the front porch also needs to be in tune with the season.

For many plants, the cool nights and warm days this time of year are ideal growing conditions.  Planting perennials now in bed areas still gives them time to settle in before winter without having to endure the hot days of summer.

Why pansies?
Pansies and their smaller cousins – violas – are standbys for fall flowers and for good reason.  They are hardy enough to bloom throughout the fall and even during the winter in some locations.  Best yet, they’ll be back early next season with bright spring color.

There’s never a boring moment with pansies.  Combine black and orange pansies for Halloween – or orange and blue for the Bronco season. Pansies in traditional  orange, rust and yellow can also be mixed with other plants.

Perennials that pop
Other great fall bloomers are asters and mums.  Find your favorite colors ranging from lavender and purple to soft and brilliant yellow to rust and bronze.  Most asters and mums are perennials that you can plant this fall and enjoy for years to come.

Perennials are a great addition to fall containers.  Plant them along with annuals  such as dianthus or snapdragons.  Other good perennials include sedum, ivy, plumbago, dianthus, yarrow, grasses and Helen’s flower.

Don’t leave out leaves!autumn pots
Add foliage in fall combinations.  Foliage adds drama when included with flowers because of the deep shades and texture that make them distinctive.  Add ornamental kale, sedum, coral bells and ornamental grasses into containers and beds alike.  Their deep hues, shapes and textures will backstop flowering plants and make their color pop.

Build upon holiday themes There are many creative ways to add Halloween and Thanksgiving interest to fall containers and beds.


Look for:


  • pumpkin shaped containers


  • plastic witches’ cauldrons


  • buckets and barrels


  • copper or other metal containers with a weathered patina.

Take advantage of the colorful fall season to enjoy outdoor ambiance, plants and gardening a few weeks more.

Contact Designscapes Colorado, at for more information.

This entry was posted in Gardens, Residential, Pots & Planters, Green Landscape, Designscapes News, Annuals & Perennials