Colorado is growing by leaps and bounds, and with new development, we can lose natural habitat for pollinators. But you can provide habitat with your own pollinator-friendly landscape. You may already have some in your garden, but planting more can make your mini-habitat more appealing to birds, bees, butterflies, beetles and more. Since this week is Pollinator Week, it's a good time to think about ways to welcome them into your landscape.

1. Pollinator-friendly plants come in all shapes, sizes, and colors

Try to plant a variety of plants that offer nectar and pollen throughout the growing season. If you love growing herbs for the kitchen, plant basil, mint, lavender, chives, rosemary, sage and thyme to nourish both people and pollinators.

2. Don't forget about small spaces

Container gardens and hanging baskets can provide a welcome stop for pollinators even in the smallest of spaces. Growth in Colorado can mean that natural habitat is being lost for many types of wildlife. But we can use our urban landscapes to help fill the nature gap. More and more, our landscapes are becoming habitat. 

3. Native plants are helpful because they attract native pollinators

The Colorado Native Plant Society is a great resource for learning about native pollinators. Their list of pollinator friendly native plants that require little water includes rabbitbrush, chokecherry, goldenrod, black-eyed susan, beebalm, Aspen daisy, showy milkweed, blanketflower, prarie sunflower, and blue mist penstemon. Planting a variety can provide food and shelter for pollinators as well as color for your landscape all season long.

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This entry was posted in Gardens, Lawn & Garden Care