









Welcome to the fourth edition of Designscapes World of How To… (DWHT)  We will be providing you with a collaboration of weekly instructions and tutorials on numerous DIY projects you can perform at home or in your own backyard.  These activities are great for family bonding, team building or just as a hobby. Hopefully we can provide you with valuable information you can utilize and pass on to others.



The holidays are finally here and if you are anything like us you have a long list of gifts to get. This year why not try making something from the heart for a few love ones.  A Gift That Keeps On Growing through the holiday season. This edition we will cover the techniques for planting the proper house plants that will do just that.  Let’s bring the garden into your gift giving by planting Amaryllis and Paperwhite bulbs for the holiday season.


If planting Paperwhites when the bulbs arrive open the bags immediately to allow air to reach the bulbs. You can either plant them right away or store them at room temperature in the dark for 4-6 weeks.


  1. Choose your container
  1. Add media to grow the bulbs in – soil, marbles, decorative rock etc.
  1. Set as many bulbs as possible in a container root-side down (if you’re using Paperwhites, only 1 bulb per container for Amaryllis)

Note: You don’t want the bulbs to touch each other or the side of the pot

  1. When they are set in soil, add only enough to cover 3/4 of the bulb – you want the top portion of the bulb sticking out – pack soil firmly around the bulb and the pot.

Note: For a decorative effect add some gravel or colored rocks.  For the Paperwhites embellish with moss around the bud leaving the top out.

  1. Continue to water to promote growth and place in a warm, bright location.

These bulbs take anywhere from 4 – 10 weeks to bloom.  The warmer the location, the faster the growth and bloom period.

Remember to toss the Paperwhite bulbs after they bloom, they will not grow again indoors.



Amaryllis that will continue to bloom out through the spring and summer if cared for properly. After the flower has faded, cut the flower stalk to within 1’ of the top of the bulb, keep in a warm place and water regularly.

These make great gifts for friend, family or if you want to enhance your own home décor.  As always remember to use your creativity!

The pots you select can make a world of difference to enhance the overlook of your arrangement.


Floating Pot

Glass with Crystal Rocks

Porcelain Pot

Porcelain Pot

Happy Holidays and Happy Planting!!

This entry was posted in Trees, Gardens, Residential, Pots & Planters, DIY, Lawn & Garden Care, Holiday, Design, Green Landscape, Designscapes News, Commercial, Annuals & Perennials