Per Square Foot Gardening

This Monday, May 6th, Bertha Lynn ( and I will discuss and demonstrate how to plan and construct a Square Foot Garden.

Square foot gardening is the practice of planning and creating small but intensively planted gardens.  The practice combines concepts from other organic gardening methods, including a strong focus on compost, densely planted raised beds, and bio-intensive attention to a small, clearly defined area.  This method is particularly well suited for beginner gardeners, adaptive recreation for those with disabilities, or as a family activity.These gardens are a fun and economical way for families or individuals to grow crops in their own back yard!  Planting spaces/boxes are divided into 1 foot squares which are then planted with a verity of crops according to their spacing recommendations.  The dense planting of crops in smaller spaces results in the use of less resources like water and soil mix when compared to traditional row planting.  This density also allows the maximum amount of produce to grow in the given space.  That means you’ll have plenty of fresh produce that is conveniently grown in your back yard.

If you would like help with planning and designing your backyard, please contact us at 303-721-9003 or  Thank you.


This entry was posted in Gardens, Pots & Planters, Lawn & Garden Care, Design, Green Landscape, Designscapes News