
Designscapes Stars

February 18, 2016
Designscapes Colorado supports continuing education and training for all team members in every division of our organization. We feel that a well trained and highly educated work force is...

Make the Most of Garden Shows

February 15, 2016
The opening of the Colorado Garden & Home Show in Denver this weekend  begins the season of garden and home shows statewide.   Throughout February and March, garden shows will...

Game Plan “ Sustainable Landscape”

February 10, 2016
As the population increases people use more resources and generate more waste which consequently leads to legal restriction being enforced on landscape design and maintenance.  Having...

More Than A Porch Light

February 08, 2016
We’re about five weeks away from when we re-set the clocks and spring forward into longer days.   For many, the extended daylight hours brighten our spirits and get us in the mood...

Time for Snow Removal

February 05, 2016
How many times have you been shoveling snow and either slipped on ice and hurt your back, injured your tailbone or even twisted your ankle.  Too often we seem to throw on our winter...

A Busy Winter for Rodents

February 02, 2016
There can often be a lot of nibbling going on beneath the serene snowscape in your yard.   Snow hides hungry rodents such as voles, mice and even rabbits who spend the winter chewing away...

2016 Popular Trendy Garden Ideas

January 29, 2016
Garden and Landscape Designers shaping our industry has provided an unfolding report on 2016 Gardening Trends.  The Garden Media Group released the 2016 Gardening Trends Report “Syncing...

A Healthy Environment Starts in Your Yard

January 26, 2016
  We generally use our yard as a place for relaxation, children and pet play areas, family gatherings and for some, a blissful seclusion from the busy world we live in.  But...

Gearing Up for Spring

January 25, 2016
Last year’s growing season left everyone more than a bit frustrated. The November 2014 freeze killed, stunned or damaged plant material that had to be removed or pruned. Next, the...

2015 Reflections from Designscapes Colorado

January 20, 2016
Welcome to the Designscapes Colorado 2015 Company Reflections. 2015 was an extremely triumphant year for Designscapes with lots of awards, career training and recruitment as well as...

Take New Year’s Resolutions Outdoors

January 18, 2016
We’re all making resolutions about what we want to be and do in 2016. So  remember to include your own gardening/outdoor experience.  It’s not on  our minds now, but when...

Insects: Beneficial vs Harmful

January 15, 2016
Spring and summer is right around the corner and your landscape is desiring attention.  Make sure and keep it healthy by following a few tips that may surprise you.  Beneficial and harmful...