
Red Idea Alley Festival

August 25, 2016
As a thank you to the amazing community of entrepreneurs, businesses, and others who help make Boulder such a great place to do business in the Natural Products industry, we’re excited...

Lettuce on the Run Means Fall

August 24, 2016
Bolting lettuce is flowering lettuce – but in a sense, that lettuce is also running away. It’s bolting from the growing season when we pick and enjoy it in our salads –...

All About the Curb Appeal

August 19, 2016
KATHLEEN LAVINE / DENVER BUSINESS JOURNAL The Denver Business Journal highlighted Designscapes Colorado Owner Philip Steinhauer in their 2016 June Luxury Homes edition. This article...

Shape and Prune for Winter Protection

August 12, 2016
Heavy fall snow pushed this tree over. When we’re still hovering around the 90-degree range, it’s hard to think about the chilly days of winter when snow and winds ravage...

Tip of the Week! Time to Prune Tomatoes

August 04, 2016
Zucchini and peas are pick-able in our gardens now. But otherwise, we’re in the summer stall – waiting for the majority of our plants to ripen for the harvest. Besides watering...

Tip of the Week! Perennials That Are More Than Pretty

July 29, 2016
In the heat of the summer, we’re very aware that some plants take the heat better than others – and that some need more water than others to stay perky. Mother Nature reminds...

Urban Landscape Technology – A Glimpse into Tomorrow

July 21, 2016
Technologist and urban planners have been diligently working on transforming landscape technology for the past several decades.  These metamorphosis will forever change the way we...

Tip of the Week! 3 Smart Ways to Cut Summer Water Bills

July 19, 2016
If you have a typical Colorado household, you expect your water bill to go up in the summer. With much of Colorado still hovering in the 90s, the heat wave drives up water used for...

Japanese Beetles – The New Plant Invader

July 12, 2016
Close encounter of the most destructive kinds.  Courtesy of Herb Gardens The Japanese Beetle was first found in the United Stated in 1916 near Riverton, New Jersey.  They are...

Tip of the Week! How to Get Your Lawn Through The Heat Wave

July 08, 2016
We’re in the middle of another long stint of 90+ degree days and many lawns are definitely showing signs of stress. But before you pour on more water, make sure you are not already...

Tip of the Week! Beware: Insects are Invading

July 01, 2016
                Our run of sunny days hitting 90 degrees and higher plus rainy evenings has created an explosion of insects in...