
Tip of the Week: Plant a lot of Love in your Garden

May 31, 2017
Have you got companion plants in your garden? If not, you might want to consider it. Many plants thrive on being planted close to one another. Take tomatoes and basil, for example....

The Journey of a Plant: Where did those Beautiful Flowers Come From?

May 25, 2017
  Designscapes Colorado is fortunate enough to have a plant acquisition expert who knows a thing or two about getting you the right kind of annuals. Armed with years of experience, and...

Will your plants survive?

May 22, 2017
How to cope with a wishy-washy spring Last week we were dodging golf-ball hail stones. This week has brought a change-up from sandals to snow boots. The latest weather...

Crazy Colorado Weather: Taking Care of 6,000 Flowers

May 19, 2017
Here at Designscapes Colorado, we know that the crazy Colorado weather can change at just a moments notice. We have seen exactly that this week, but after being in business for 25 years, we...

Read Soup Can Labels?

May 18, 2017
If you count carbs, fat, sodium content or total calories, you’ve read the label on everything you bring home from the grocery store. Are you equally as diligent when it comes...

Denver Watering Rules: Are You Following Them?

May 15, 2017
With the crazy Colorado weather starting to show just a little bit of consistency in warm sunny days, one thing is for certain: your landscape needs to be irrigated. One thing...

Tip of the Week: Undo Post Storm Plant Damage

May 11, 2017
Late spring snows, that occur after plants have sent up flowers or leafed out, generally leave damage or destruction in their wake. Heavy snows that cling to leaves and weigh down branches...

Outdoor Landscape Lighting Installer Denver: The Designscapes Difference

May 08, 2017
Have you ever wanted to improve the night time functionality and beauty of your home and landscape? Lucky for you, there is a solution. Nightscaping , which is the process of...

Tip of the Week: Plant When Conditions are Right

May 04, 2017
The bare root plants starting to show up now in warehouse and some hardware stores are common perennials we grow in Colorado – such as Echinacea, daisies, liatris and daylilies....

A.L.C.C. Day of Service: Designscapes Colorado Giving Back to the Community

May 01, 2017
Connor, our Residential Construction and Maintenance intern, instructing high school students on how to properly care for a landscape. On Thursday, April 27th, a community of...

Tip of the Week: Emerald Ash Borer

April 27, 2017
Emerald Ash Borer Too much of a good thing is usually bad and it’s no different with trees. The outbreak of Emerald Ash Borer in...

Designscapes Colorado: ALCC’s Annual Day of Service

April 24, 2017
Designscapes Colorado has a strong commitment to staying involved with the local community. With that, we are big believers in charitably giving back to the community, and fostering growth...