
Colorado Faces Construction Worker Shortage: Landscape Companies are Feeling the Impact

August 02, 2017
Colorado, specifically the Denver area, is facing a huge shortage of construction workers, and the green industry is feeling the impact. With more cranes in the sky than most...

Tip of the Week: Fight Crime with Daisies

July 26, 2017
Landscapes can help create a barrier against thieves Whether we recognize it or not, simply being around greenery has a calming effect that helps people relax and will even deter crimes...

Tip of the Week: Tired of the Weeds?

July 17, 2017
Get after the weeds! It seems everywhere we look in our yards, there’s another weed sprouting up – and most of us would rather NOT spend our time down on our hands...

Tip of the Week: Are Your Containers Losing Their Luster?

July 12, 2017
Mid-season fix-ups for flowers on the fritz  By early July, it’s common to have patio containers that are a mix of thriving flowers and foliage and some stragglers that...

Tip of the Week: Help Veggies Beat the Heat

July 08, 2017
These past weeks have had scorching temperatures – and there will be more hot days ahead. Each successive heat wave threatens the health of our veggies. It’s up to us as...

The Importance of Hiring the Right Landscape Company

July 06, 2017
The Choices Just a quick google search will show you the countless options of landscape designers that work in our local area. But aren’t they all really the same? What makes...

Tip of the Week: How’s your Ash?

June 29, 2017
Tiny insect threatens countless Colorado trees A strange pest has killed billions of dollars of ash trees in 30 states and 2 Canadian provinces. Since 2013 with its...

Tip of the Week: Want More Butterflies?

June 20, 2017
Welcome pollinators with your plants Through ongoing development, Colorado lost the equivalent of one football field of open space every 2 ½ minutes during a recent...

Tip of the Week: Distract Bunnies with Weeds

June 13, 2017
Make a bunny buffet to save your lettuce! It’s a banner year for bunnies across much of the metro area. They love to nibble on almost all flowers and veggies and even...

3 Ways We Can Save You Money (And Water) On Your Irrigation

June 08, 2017
In order to maintain a healthy landscape here in the hot and dry climate of Denver, Colorado, it is an absolute necessity to irrigate. There are many forms of irrigation, ranging from using a...

Tip of the Week: Toss Your Salad When You Plant

June 05, 2017
Make your salad tasty from the day you plant This year, be sure to plant a variety of vegetables to enjoy both this summer, and this fall. Bibb lettuce – burpee seed If you grow...

Designscapes Colorado Celebrating 25 Years by Giving Back to the Community

June 02, 2017
    On Thursday, June 1st, Designscapes Colorado took action to help serve our community. As a big part of celebrating our 25th anniversary, we...