
5 Lawn Mistakes to Avoid | Tip of the Week

April 16, 2021
A healthy lawn not only looks great, but it can prevent erosion, cool the local environment and filter pollutants from air and water. In this blog post, we will tell you the five lawn...

Eddy SLM Certified

April 14, 2021
The Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado 's new program, Sustainable Landscape Management (SLM) Colorado is setting the standard for landscape maintenance in Colorado....

3 Tips for planting pansies | Tip of the Week

April 09, 2021
After recent snows gave them a dose of moisture, and with temperatures heating up along the Front Range, early spring bulbs are popping up in landscapes and giving us a hint of the...

Designscapes Colorado Featured in Construction in Focus Magazine

April 06, 2021
From Blah to Blissful! Our owner and landscape architect, Phil Steinhauer spoke to Construction in Focus Magazine on how landscape design has changed in the last 10 years...

How to prepare your garden tools for spring | Tip of the Week

April 02, 2021
Itching to get out and work in the yard? Planting time really is just around the corner. While you wait until the threat of freeze is over, there are plenty of ways to prepare for the growing...

A Letter From the ALCC President | April

April 01, 2021
As we all gear up for the spring rush, everyone is probably getting a little rest from the last two weeks of snow, including one of Denver's top 5 storms. (Several of our staff worked 36...

How to garden without pain | Tip of the Week

March 26, 2021
Gardening and landscape care can be a healthy hobby that helps us get outdoors and moving around. But proper form is important to avoid discomfort or injury.  Vary activities and...

3 Tips on Planning a Water-wise Landscape | Tip of the Week

March 19, 2021
It's too early to start planting, but it's a good time to make a plan for a successful landscape this year. Recent heavy snowfall was much-needed, but it has not eliminated drought in...

How to prepare for a spring snowstorm | Tip of the Week

March 12, 2021
It's still winter - spring officially begins March 20 - and heavy snowfall predicted this weekend is a reminder that despite the change in season, March is historically...

Designscapes Colorado is a two time HGTV Ultimate Outdoor Award Finalist

March 11, 2021
For a second year, Designscapes Colorado's work has been recognized on a national level.  Our landscape designer, Alex Ostblom's design for "A Sense of Place"...

The benefits of teaching children to garden | Tip of the Week

March 05, 2021
Children who grow their own vegetables are five times more likely to eat them according to a 2015 study. Whether it's at school or at home, gardening can benefit their health and...

A Letter From the ALCC President | March

March 01, 2021
I can't believe that spring will be here in less than a month (March 20th)! I'm sure a lot of you are thinking, "We never got a break this year. " With the unseasonably warm...