
The Angels Among Us Gift Exchange

December 13, 2017
To close out our 25th year, we had the opportunity to impact the lives of the children in our surrounding area. This year we took part in the “Angels Among US” gift exchange....

Tip of the Week: What’s Still In Your Yard?

November 06, 2017
Finish fall cleanup before more snow flies If the feel of fall in the air has pulled you indoors and away from your yard, it might be a good time to take a final walk through...

Designscapes Colorado: Getting Your Winter Needs Taken Care Of

October 20, 2017
Winter might seem like a season for little to no landscape services available. However, this is not the case for Designscapes Colorado . In this blog I will talk about several services we...

Tip of the Week: Ready for the Fall Chill?

October 06, 2017
Extend your outdoor living season The chill in the air these last few days reminds us much cooler days – and more of them – are ahead. Still, there will be many...

Designscapes Colorado Celebrates 25 Years

October 02, 2017
On Monday, September 25th, Designscapes Colorado hosted our 25th anniversary . With our team slowly growing from just the founders and a pickup truck, we have grown to a full service...

Tip of the Week: Ready to Pitch Petunias?

September 18, 2017
As we feel fall in the air, we see some of our summer annuals looking tired. With the changes in season, it’s time to switch out the annuals and enjoy the colors of fall.  ...

Tip of the Week: Late-Season Lawn Care Pays Off

September 08, 2017
The calendar may still say summer. But in Colorado, the thermometer will soon be saying fall-ish. Daily highs will be getting cooler as daylight hours get even shorter. Have you noticed...

Tip of the Week: What Should I Plant Now?

August 31, 2017
Toward the end of August and early September, conditions are prime to plant leafy greens, herbs, broccoli and root crops for fall harvest. These plants aren’t made for the long and...

Tip of the Week: Want More Drama in Your Yard?

August 25, 2017
Perennials never go out of style They show up in sensational shapes-from spikes and mounds to petals delicate and demur. Perennials offer ever-changing colors and...

How Do New Flowers Go from Idea to You?

August 21, 2017
          Every year, growers around the country compete against one another to come up with the next colorful flower breed, that will hopefully one day...

Tip of the Week: Are Your Trees Ready for Winter?

August 14, 2017
We often take trees for granted. We forget they are the most expensive part of our landscapes. And if we’re not caring for them properly, we’re not protecting our long-term...

Designscapes Colorado Gives Back

August 08, 2017
Designscapes Colorado, as part of our 25th anniversary celebration, has partnered with Clayton Early Learning to bring a community garden to those who otherwise would not have access to fresh...