Annuals & Perennials

How to plant a fall container garden | Tip of the Week

September 10, 2021
Last week we talked about planting now for next spring. If you want some seasonal color now, try a fall-themed container garden. You can make your own decorative creation with traditional...

How to Create A Pet Friendly Yard | Tip of the Week

August 26, 2021
It’s August 26 when dog lovers celebrate National Dog Day! While we’re feeling the love for man’s best friend, we should also make sure our landscapes love our pets so...

How to get rid of Aphids and Japanese Beetles in your garden | Tip of the Week

August 06, 2021
Recent hot days and precipitation are a perfect combination for insects in our gardens and landscapes. Keep an eye on your garden, especially edible plants, and act on pests as soon as you...

Sunflower Facts | Tip of the Week

May 28, 2021
There's still time to plant some sunflowers in your landscape. The National Garden Bureau named   2021 the Year of the Sunflower, and with good reason. This cheerful plant is...

How to prepare for hail | Tip of the Week

May 21, 2021
Late spring is hail season in Colorado. In this blog post, we will share with you what precautions you can take ahead of time and what you can do for plants after hail has dealt its...

3 Tips on Planning a Water-wise Landscape | Tip of the Week

March 19, 2021
It's too early to start planting, but it's a good time to make a plan for a successful landscape this year. Recent heavy snowfall was much-needed, but it has not eliminated drought in...

5 Tips on how to protect your plants in a deep freeze | Tip of the week

February 12, 2021
The forecast predicts overnight temperatures in the single digits this weekend. Are your plants protected? In this blog, we will share tips on how to protect your indoor and outdoor plants...

What are plant hardiness zones | Tip of the Week

January 29, 2021
It's often said that the key to successful, sustainable plants is putting the right plant in the right place. But first, you need to know your place. In this blog post we will tell you...

Why you should plan your spring garden now | Tip of the Week

January 15, 2021
Winter officially began just a few weeks ago, but it's already time to think about what you want in your garden this summer. In this post, we will tell you why you should start...

2021 Plants of the Year | Tip of the Week

January 01, 2021
The National Garden Bureau once again chose five plants of the year. For 2021, they have chosen hibiscus (shrub), monarda or bee balm (perennial), hyacinth (bulb crop), garden bean...

How to incorporate 2021's Pantone Color of the year into your landscape | Tip of the Week

December 11, 2020
This week, Pantone announced that it had chosen two colors for 2021 Color of the Year . Pantone chose them as colors of a solid foundation (Ultimate Gray, reminiscent of rocks or...

Tip of the Week: Did you plant your spring bulbs yet? Here are some bulb planting tips.

October 16, 2020
This fall's mild temperatures gives us an opportunity to plant now for a beautiful landscape next year. It's a good time to get bulbs into the ground for spring color. Choose...