Lawn & Garden Care

When is the best time to trim your trees? Now is the time.

March 11, 2019
These late-winter days can be a good time to prune most trees. At the close of the dormant season--just before spring growth begins—is a prime time for pruning. Unless...

The frost is coming

October 08, 2018
If the forecast holds, Monday night could be the first night of frost or freeze in the Denver area marking the end of the 2018 growing season. It's been a long season this...

The change in seasons means changes in your lawn care

September 13, 2018
The calendar may still say summer. But after Labor Day, the thermometer reads fall-like, especially in overnight temperatures which slow plant growth and signal autumn is...

Landscapes work for us everyday

September 04, 2018
  Even though we usually think about the sweat equity we, as busy weed-pulling and lawn-mowing humans invest in them, our landscapes do labor for us. This...

Tip of the Week: Lawn problems?

May 29, 2018
Many property owners are wondering if their lawns just didn't wake up this spring from their long winter nap - and many lawns did not. Patches of dead lawn are prevalent along the...

Tip of the Week: Info to know before you mow

May 22, 2018
Lawn mowing and outdoor maintenance season is upon us and that means getting equipment in good running order. If you have not yet started the mower or are teaching a young family...

Tip of the Week: Take Care of Thirsty Plants

January 12, 2018
During the dormant season, plants don’t seem to tell us much about how thirsty they are. Grass doesn’t look overly stressed, leaves don’t appear wilted and because we are...

Tip of the Week: It’s Time to Water Plants

January 05, 2018
The spritz of snow we had this week is a drop in the bucket when it comes to moisture needed to keep plants healthy. This is not a time to be complacent about dry plants. We need +/- 10...

Tip of the Week: Late-Season Lawn Care Pays Off

September 08, 2017
The calendar may still say summer. But in Colorado, the thermometer will soon be saying fall-ish. Daily highs will be getting cooler as daylight hours get even shorter. Have you noticed...

Tip of the Week: Tired of the Weeds?

July 17, 2017
Get after the weeds! It seems everywhere we look in our yards, there’s another weed sprouting up – and most of us would rather NOT spend our time down on our hands...

Tip of the Week: Are Your Containers Losing Their Luster?

July 12, 2017
Mid-season fix-ups for flowers on the fritz  By early July, it’s common to have patio containers that are a mix of thriving flowers and foliage and some stragglers that...

Tip of the Week: How’s your Ash?

June 29, 2017
Tiny insect threatens countless Colorado trees A strange pest has killed billions of dollars of ash trees in 30 states and 2 Canadian provinces. Since 2013 with its...