Tip of the Week: 3 Good Reasons to Hang a Bird Feeder

#1 – When the growing season ends, there is less natural food available.

Now there are fewer plants, seeds and other food options for birds and squirrels to forage. According to the CSU Extension, birds with access to feeders have a much higher winter survival rate during prolonged cold winters. Offering habitat will help them survive.

#2 – Your yard will become an interesting place to watch all winter long.
If you’re focused regularly on that bird feeder to provide seed and water, you’ll get outdoors more often to see what else might be happening in your landscape.

Feeders hung from trees or fences cater to birds that won’t forage on the ground. Birds are picky and sometimes messy eaters, so what falls below the feeder won’t be wasted. Birds that feed on the ground will swoop down to pick up whatever seed falls from the feeder. Both types of birds will benefit. And squirrels will also help clean up the mess–or raid the bird feeder if it’s not made squirrel proof.

#3 – You can model and teach environmental stewardship.
If you have children or grandchildren, give them bird feeder as a holiday gift along with a bird ID book and small binoculars. Involve them in the feeding and watering chores and enlist their help in tracking the different birds who find your yard.

While you’re having fun, they will be learning caring skills that will last a lifetime. A bird feeder is a fun science project!

Include furry friends
Placing seeds and pumpkins along the fence will appeal to squirrels who travel the fence highway. When squirrels find your yard, you should also be prepared for their raids on the bird feeder. They, too, are hungry and can make quick work of bird seed.



Place a device over the feeder that makes it squirrel proof–they’ll find plenty to eat from seed that falls to the ground.

Plan ahead
When you get around to planning next year’s garden, give serious thought to planting native plants that naturally attract local wildlife, particularly pollinators. Native plants are the logical option to provide food and shelter for local birds, butterflies and other wildlife.

Do you have a tree?
If not, look for a Colorado-friendly variety that provides multiple benefits for wildlife. A good tree will offer nectar in the spring, a nesting place and protection spring through summer and berries for the fall and winter.

Designscapes Colorado strives to provide our customers with year round service.  Please email our team at info@designscapes.org to learn more about how we can help get your yard ready for winter.

This entry was posted in Snow, Residential