Water Conservation in Colorado

Colorado is considered to be a dry and arid climate, despite the increase in rainfall that the Denver area has been experiencing. Water is considered a limited resource in Colorado. Conserving water is important because it will benefit you in the future and will save you money right now. There are some simple and easy steps that you can take to help conserve our water.

Most lawns in Colorado are watered by a sprinkler system. Most of these sprinkler systems are run by a clock. It is imperative that you adjust your watering clock every month based on the existing weather conditions. Your lawn typically needs only one inch of water per week to stay healthy. If your area is being hit by rainstorms you will want to manually turn off your clock and then turn it on again a day later. If you have a rain sensor installed with your sprinkler system the rain sensor will override the clock, automatically bypassing the next watering period. At Designscapes Colorado, we are encouraging the installation of rain sensors with every new irrigation installation.

The Denver Water Authority has recommended that you don’t water your lawn more than three days per week. It is against Denver’s watering policy to water your lawn between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. The Denver Water Authority also suggests that you repair any broken or leaking sprinkler system within ten days to minimize water loss. If you have new plantings there is a 21 day grace period for watering to allow the plants to become fully established. After 21 days normal watering rules will apply to the plantings.

Another way to control your water usage is to not cut your lawn too short. Keeping the grass a little longer helps the grass to create its own shade, which in turn allows it to hold in more moisture. Keeping the clippings on the lawn instead of raking them up can also help the lawn to retain moisture. To keep your lawn looking great, try to cut the grass at a three inch length, any shorter will allow water to escape.  Implement these water saving tips into your lawn care routine to help conserve our areas’ precious resource.


Contact Designscapes Colorado for more information on how to conserve water in your area.

Email: info@designscapes.org

Phone: (303)-721-9003

This entry was posted in Gardens, Residential, Lawn & Garden Care, Xeriscape, Design, Green Landscape, Designscapes News, Company