Why are There so Many Spiders?

The middle to end of July marks the beginning of monsoon weather in Colorado. This year, the El Nino cycle will force moisture from coastal regions up over the mountains creating massive rainstorms. This increase in rainfall across the state is making some unwanted house guests a bit more visible. You may have noticed an increase in the amount of spiders and insects around your home. The rain is a contributing factor to why you are seeing more of these unwanted pests.

The heavy rains this year have forced many spiders out of their habitats. These spiders must find shelter to survive and your home is an ideal place for these creepy-crawlies. Also, the increase in rainfall paired with the consistently high temperatures has increased the mosquito population. Spiders prey on insects, in turn there is a strong correlation between the amount of mosquitos present in an area and the number of spiders present in an area. The large population of mosquitos provides a large food supply for the spiders.

There are some steps that you can take that will help to keep spiders out of your home. If you choose, you can use a combination of pesticides and sanitation to rid your home of spiders. However, it is always a good idea to attempt to remove or modify existing spider habitats that are around or near your home. Spiders’ habitats include wood piles, rocks, and old boards. Spiders like dark and moist spaces. You will want to check your basement and storage areas for spiders. If you want to take further steps to prevent spiders from entering your home you can use caulking in the cracks around the foundation of your home.

There is an upside to the increase in rainfall, spiders, and mosquitos. Spider mites are plant pests that plague plants with symptoms such as speckling of leaves, the scorching of leaves, and flecking. Spider mites can make your plant stressed and can cause it to die. The good news this year is that the high level of precipitation has lessened the spider mite population. Spider mites prefer a dry environment and heavy rains have the power to eliminate and wash away a good number of existing spider mites that may be dwelling on your plants.

With any garden or home pest you can take precautionary measures to lessen the amount of them in and around your home and garden. Watering your plants during dry periods will help to keep the plants from becoming stressed and susceptible to spider mite infestations. Take precautionary measures to keep your home free of spiders. Remove spider habitat around your home and inspect your screens and doorways for cracks or holes. Use our tips and tricks to keep your home and garden pest free.

Contact Designscapes Colorado by info@designscapes.org for more information regarding spiders or spider mites.


This entry was posted in Structures, Outdoor Living Spaces, Gardens, Residential, Lawn & Garden Care, Designscapes News