You can still landscape in Stage 2 drought!

Denver Water Board declared Stage 2 drought today.  This doesn’t mean that you have to stop landscaping!

As ALCC stated this morning “a drought is not a reason to abondaon your landscape.  With proper water management, maintenance and planting practices, landscapes can survive on 2 days per week watering.”

Designscapes Colorado is a Green Industries Sustainable Partner and we are here to help you with helping your landscape look it’s best during this season. 

There are many options to consider to keep your yard looking it’s best this season such as doing a water-wise landscape renovation or creating a xeriscape garden, retro-fitting your irrigation system or renovation of your backyard to have an Outdoor Living Space.

Our Landscape Architects, Landscape Designers, Irrigation Technicians and Maintenance Experts are available to meet with you by calling us at 303-721-9003 or

This entry was posted in Residential, Xeriscape, Green Landscape, Designscapes News